The Empress Workshop
The Empress Workshop is a program for women who want to improve their relationships with themselves and shift into their own personal power and joy from a femanine perspective.
I created the Empress Workshop for women in response to reading for so many powerful, together, beautiful female clients who have no idea how to give to themselves without guilt or shame. I saw a major need to teach women to get out of apologetic behavior for self care.
We, like the Empress, are taught to be nurturers. Unlike the Empress, many women have trouble when it comes to nurturing ourselves. We also have trouble treating ourselves like the queens that we are and receiving the good things that life brings our way, with a "Yes! Thank you!" This workshop is a self care boot camp. It will help teach how to drop into a healthy sense of "selfness". Selfness is the healthy middle ground between selflessness and selfishness. When we care for ourselves and put on our own oxygen mask first, we are able to give from a heart that is full and give happily and sincerely. This takes away the quiet resentment of the girl who can’t say no.
Here’s to your coronation, your majesty! Long live the queen!
Included in the program:
*A 30 day course with daily email and a “Queen Challenge of the Day" Monday through Friday.
*A closed Facebook group for support amongst participants.
*Weekly tele-calls with meditation and a Q&A session.
Email support from me.
*Find your inner queen!
Psychic Development Workshop

Are you ready to cultivate your innate psychic gifts?
It can be very intimidating when you realize that you are more sensitive than some of your peers. You wonder 'am I seeing things'? 'Is it just my imagination?' or 'Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive'? The answer is yes, you are overly sensitive, or hyper-sensitive. Some might even say psychic!
Included in the program:
*A 30 day course with daily e-mails and a challenge of the day Monday-Friday.
*Weekly tele-calls including mini-meditations, Q&A sessions, and teachings
*A private facebook support group in which you all can ask questions/support each other.
*E-mail access to me
*Develope your natural psychic gifts!
Now enrolling for September 2017
Now Enrolling
MAnifesting with your paper planner

Grab your paper planners, a pen, and your imagination . . . I will be using my knowledge as a psychic to teach you how to manifest what you want and using practical planning to do it!
In this three-hour online class I teach you how to bridge the dream of what you want and turn it into reality.
My clients have things they want. We all do. But how? How do I do it?
In this class I teach you how to take the dreams you have, and break them down into action steps. Small, manageable bite-sized pieces while using all of my manifesting techniques at the same time.
Magical meets practical through the use of your planner. We take your dreams and turn them into plans in other words. This is a very practical and fun approach to give yourself the kick in the pants to stop (just) dreaming and start doing!
Let’s make 2019 the year that you really get into action!
For this class you will need a paper planner, a pen, post-its if you have them, and anything you like to decorate your planner if you are into that sort of thing. I can’t wait to teach you the simple magic of manifesting with your paper planner!